Inherent Expression
We believe in an expansive definition of the Arts. Arts and culture is both tangible and intangible and fluid in community practice. These are learned, passed on by ancestors and also shaped by the public sphere. It can be found in our cultural institutions such as taiko dojos, temples, and museums; in our rituals and celebrations like lion dances and pig roasts; as well as in the ways in which we greet our neighborhood elders as ‘kapuna’ or ‘pau pau.’ Arts and culture are vital to our sustainability and growth—and should not be commodified, appropriated or colonized. They are a means of resistance, of bringing us together, and imagining new futures.
“यहाँ (भान्छाघर रेष्टुरेण्टमा) म मेरो समाजका लागि भेटघाटहरु गर्छु …. म उनीहरुलाई यहाँ बोलाउँछु । हामी यहाँ खान्छौं । हामी यहाँ बस्छौं र छलफल गर्छौं । ……..काम नभएकाहरुलाई म काम दिलाउँछु । सुत्ने स्थान नभएकाहरुलाई म ठाउँ खोजिदिन्छु ।”
यमुना श्रेष्ठ, संचालक, नेपाली रेष्टुरेण्ट भान्छाघर
साना व्यवसाय आयोजन
स्थानीय आप्रवासी स्वामित्वका व्यवसायहरु सामुदायिक र सांस्कृतिक आधारहरु हुन् -
Chinatown Pretty
Stylish Elder Fashions in Chinatowns Across the Country
Maku’u Farmer’s Market
It’s All About ‘Ohana
The W.O.W. Project
reinventing and preserving NYC’s Chinatown
InterIm Pig Roast
Kapwa Gardens
A Healing Space for the Community
VEGGI Farmer’s Cooperative
Culturally Rooted Recovery & Workforce Development
Same Struggle, Same Fight
Nisei Week
A festival with deep roots