We build brave spaces to experiment, play, fail, learn, grow, and reflect. We are consciously creating a space together, and we all have the responsibility to sustain this space with each other and within our communities. As we navigate the complexity of our collaborations and community building, we are open to failure and making mistakes. We bravely move forward with the diversity of our communities and our strategies intact.
Unity at the Initiative
Responsive Collaboration
Museum of Everyday Alchemy
What is gained and lost in processes of acculturation, appropriation, assimilation, and hybridization?
Our Stories Our Voices
Youth of East Portland giving voice to their experiences of displacement
Canton Grill & 82nd + Beyond: a Living Archive
Cindy Louis, third-generation owner of the Canton Grill, leads a tour of the restaurant during lunchtime as part of project, 82nd + Beyond: A Living Archive
Caring for Our Shared Futures: A Caring Package
APANO’s digital collection of artwork centered on care.
Orchards of 82nd, Living Culture: Past, Present and Future
An Alternative Plan
Paradice Avenue Souf and Wing Luke Museum collaboration for Black and Brown Solidarity
preserving a sense of belonging for all in South Seattle
Receconnecting Japanese, Mexican, African, and Sufi Muslim American communities around traditions of circle dance, music, and caring for the land
Here to Stay
The W.O.W. Project
reinventing and preserving NYC’s Chinatown
Chiyo’s Garden
Redlining Heritage Trail
Kapwa Gardens
A Healing Space for the Community
Assembly for Chinatown
Designing for COVID Resilience
Films at the Gate (FATG) Festival
Intergenerational connections through films in space
Tuesday Night Café
Performance as Safe Haven