Portland’s Jade District centers around Southeast 82nd Avenue and Division Street, one of the most diverse census tracts in the State of Oregon, and home to many recent immigrants. It is also a neighborhood that is vulnerable to displacement due to gentrification. Since 2014, APANO has supported over twenty artists connected to Southeast 82nd and Southeast Division Street to highlight the needs, hopes, and concerns of community members who are facing a rapidly changing neighborhood. In 2018, Artist-In-Residence Roshani Thakore reinstalled a number of these works within the neighborhood sites and worked with local cartographer Sachi Arakawa to create a walking path highlighting these sites called 82nd+Beyond: A Living Archive. For broader accessibility, the map was printed into a physical form, translated into English, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Sachi and Roshani co-led a public walk activating the map and the neighborhood sites with conversations and local histories told by the artists and community members.
Canton Grill & 82nd + Beyond: a Living Archive
Cindy Louis, third-generation owner of the Canton Grill, leads a tour of the restaurant during lunchtime as part of project, 82nd + Beyond: A Living Archive
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Portland, OR
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Portland, OR

Cindy Louis, third-generation owner of the Canton Grill, leads a tour of the restaurant during lunchtime as part of project, 82nd + Beyond: A Living Archive